On October 6-9, 2017, THERMOINTECH represented its products at the 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. During the Forum, the stand of RUSNANO portfolio companies was visited by the official delegation of Gazprom PJSC. The representatives of the gas industry were presented with thermoelectric power sources enabling to provide power supply to the objects of the gas transportation infrastructure. In addition, working meetings were held with the heads of Departments and Offices of Gazprom PJSC, representatives of Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel LLC, VNIPIgazdobycha PJSC, Gazprom promgaz JSC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Association of Gas Industry Construction Organizations, etc. As a result of the negotiations, further measures were agreed to develop joint cooperation to bring THERMOINTECH products to the market of Gazprom Group.
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